Thursday, May 13, 2010

Riddles and Wordplay

On all, which do you remember from your own childhood? Others?
Which do (or would) you read to/with your own children and/or students and why? What would you want them to learn from these, and how would you help them learn it? (For teachers, again, objectives and activities.)

I wish they had more in this section honestly. The ones they have are sort of old and not well known I don’t feel. Also I don’t think they make much sense, but riddles and word games are a thing of time. Even things I knew growing up have changed, or at least for kids. “What’s black and white and red all over?” I’d say a newspaper, but a site for kid’s riddles told me it was “a zebra with too much lipstick” But there are still classics like, “Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9! (Seven ate nine)” I wouldn’t use the ones from our book and I wish I could find the books I remember from when I was in elementary school. I’d want fun ones that would get kids thinking. I’d indulge in a little potty humor, “What’s brown and makes a sound like a bell? Dung” but the main purpose would be to get minds moving, maybe even making up their own riddles!

Didn't you like any of the ones here? Yes, most are pretty tiime-bound, but the idea is pretty timeless--the what-am-I type of riddle goes back to Medieval literature.
LOL on those you mention here--especially that humorous twist on the newspaper one. I'll add another: What did the 0 say to the 8? Nice belt!
LOL on the potty humor, too.

Not really. I didn't find them very engaging.

This topic brought out some silly discussion in my house. I asked my mom "What's black and white and red all over?" because the answer I had found when googling was not "A newspaper" as I know it, but "A zebra with too much lipstick" and I had to stop to laugh. A silly answer works better for kids I guess. An old friend of mine told me when I asked her that riddle "A zebra with a sunburn." Now my mom showed her dark sense of humor with it and told me "a nun falling down the stairs" which blew me away. She knew the newspaper answer, but she swore to her that's what it had always been. It's crazy to see things change or get taken to strange and silly extents.

LOL on these. Yes, the silly stuff appeals to kids--a reason why nonsense verse also appeals.
Here's a grodey one: What's green and hangs? Elephant snot. A sillt one (two-parter): What did Tarzan say when he say the elephants coming? "Here come the elephants!" What dod Tarzan say when he saw the elephants coming wearing sunglasses? Nothing. He didn't recognize them.
Too bad you didn't like the ones in the book.

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